Ravioli di Kamut ripieni di Avocado e philadelphia

Chef: Ilaria Chiatti @ilaria_chiatti

Ravioli di Kamut ripieni con philadelphia e avocado,

Pasta fresca : 300 grammi di farina di kamut e 3 uova e sale .
Il ripieno : 2 avocadi , succo di limone , filo d olio , sale , pepe e 50 grammi di Philadelphia.

Per la salsa : 3 spicchi d aglio , datterini , prezzemolo , sale e pepe


Per la pasta : distendere  la farina a fontana  e mettere le uova e un pizzico di sale, amalgamare il composto .

Continuare fino a ottenere una pasta liscia ed elastica. Dare all’impasto una forma sferica, ricoprirlo  con la pellicola trasparente e lasciatelo riposare in frigo per circa 30 minuti.

Una volta trascorso questo intervallo di tempo, tirare la pasta con il matterello sul piano lavoro infarinato oppure  utilizzare la macchina per la pasta. Dalla sfoglia ricavata , con l’aiuto di un coltello affilato , dare una forma quadra in modo da ottenere i ravioli.

Mettere la crema di avocado e Philadelphia al centro del quadrato e bagnare leggermente i lati ( per ogni raviolo servono due quadrati )  in modo che i due quadrati si possono attaccare molto più facilmente, con una forchetta premere ai lati e formare una sfera al centro .

Cuocere i ravioli in acqua con un po’ di sale per 4/5 minuti.

Per la crema di avocado e Philadelphia : per ogni due avocado aggiungere circa 50 grammi di Philadelphia.

Pulire l avocado e schiacciarlo fino ad ottenere quasi una crema , aggiungere sale , pepe , un po’ di olio , un po’ di succo di limone e il Philadelphia.

Mescolare e lasciare la crema in frigorifero per circa 10 minuti .

Per la salsa di pomodorini : tagliare 3 / 4 spicchi di aglio molto finemente e rosolare in padella con un po’ di olio d oliva.

Tagliare i pomodorini il quarti e aggiungere in padella quando l aglio ha raggiunto la doratura .

Aggiungere un pizzico di zucchero per mandare via l acidità dal pomodoro .

Aggiungere un poco di acqua di cottura per formare una salsina .

Alla fine mettere un po’ di sale, pepe e un po’ di prezzemolo tritato fine .

Unire con i ravioli . 


Kamut ravioli stuffed with philadelphia cheese and avocado,

Fresh pasta: 300 grams of kamut flour and 3 eggs and salt.
The filling: 2 avocados, lemon juice, oil, salt, pepper and 50 grams of Philadelphia cheese.

For the sauce: 3 cloves of garlic, datterini, parsley, salt and pepper


For the dough: spread the flour in a fountain and put the eggs and a pinch of salt, mix the mixture.

Continue until the dough is smooth and elastic. Give the dough a spherical shape, cover it with plastic wrap and let it rest in the fridge for about 30 minutes.

After 30 minutes, roll the dough with a rolling pin on a floured work surface or use the pasta machine. From the drawn dough, with the help of a sharp knife, give a square shape so as to obtain the ravioli.

Put the cream of avocado and philadelphia cheese in the center of the square and slightly moisten the sides (for each raviolo serve two squares) so that the two squares can be attached much more easily, with a fork press the sides and form a sphere in the center.

Boil the ravioli in water with a little salt for 4/5 minutes.

For the avocado and philadelphia cream: add about 50 grams of Philadelphia for each two avocados.

Clean the avocado and crush it until it is almost a cream, add salt, pepper, a little oil, a little lemon juice and the philadelphia cheese.

Mix and leave the cream in the refrigerator for about 10 minutes.

For the cherry tomato sauce: chop 3/4 cloves of garlic very finely and brown in a pan with a little olive oil.

Cut the tomatoes into quarters and add to the pan when the garlic has browned.

Add a pinch of sugar to remove the acidity from the tomato.

Add a little cooking water to make a sauce.

At the end put some salt, pepper and a little finely chopped parsley.

Combine with the ravioli.

Rigatoni with avocado and S. Marzano

CHEF: Costantino Nuzzo

Chef: Costantino Nuzzo @chefcosty92

Rigatoni with avocado and S. Marzano cherry tomatoes. Fry some finely chopped onion in a hot pan. Once colored add the S. Marzano cherry tomatoes and avocado cutted in cubes or slices and with a wooden spoon pressed cherry tomatoes and avocado. when you have obtained a little bit of liquind , half of the mixture blade it until you get a creamy sauce. Cook the rigatoni al dente, add to the mixture and mix everything. If you are not vegan, eat it with a sprinkle of Parmesan

Sicily Fest & Chef Competition


17, 18, 19 Maggio: tre giorni per vivere, gustare e e assaporare del buon cibo #madeinSicily in un’atmosfera rigorosamente made in Sud!

SicilyFEST è un market dedicato alla Sicilia specificamente ideato per dare ai Londinesi un assaggio del vero e autentico “made in Sicily” e per promuovere la tradizione enograstronomica della nostra isola.
Un mix perfetto di tradizione e innovazione, un evento pop-up imperdibile per tutti i foodie e gli appassionati di food&wine siciliano!
SicilyFEST, una festa per gli occhi e il palato progettata e realizzata da PopUpMarketSicily e P&A Events.

Tutti gli chef della FIC UK sono invitati nelle tre giornate a venire e se indosseranno la divisa potranno assaggiare gratuitamente I prodotti. 

Per chi volesse presentare al pubblico una sua ricetta, la FIC UK dara la possibilita’ di usufruire degli spazi adibiti agli eventi all’interno della fiera, e presentare al pubblico delle 3 giornata una o piu’ ricette con un cooking show dedicato.

Le ricette possono essere siciliane, o qualche rivisitazine di ricette, con prodotti siciliani in fiera, personalizzate dallo chef!

Tutti gli ingredienti verranno forniti dall’organizzazione.

I membri interessati a fare un cooking show mi contattino al info@ficuk.com oppure si registrino qui  CLICCANDO QUI



SicilyFEST is a Sicilian-themed event specifically designed to give Londoners access to real and authentic “Made in Sicily” and to promote Sicilian food&wine tradition and culture..
A perfect mix of tradition and innovation, a pop-up event created to deliver a unique and exciting experience to the London foodie
SicilyFEST a tasty and visual feast, brought to you by Pop Up Market Sicily and P&A Events.

All FIC UK CHEFS are invited in the three days to come and if they wear the uniform they can taste the products for free.
For those wishing to present their recipes to the public, FIC UK will give the opportunity to take advantage of the stage used for events within the fair, to present one or more recipes with a dedicated cooking show to the 3 days.
The recipes can be Sicilian, or some revisit of recipes, with Sicilian products at the fair, customized by the chef!

All the ingredients will be provided by the organization.

Pre-registration is possible for the selection SUBSCRIBE HERE
Only requirement? Be members FIC UK


Members interested in the cooking show contact me at info@ficuk.com

Welcome Italia Chefs Competition 2019


LA FEDERAZIONE ITALIANA CUOCHI UK DELEGATION, organizzerà una competizione per gli Chefs membri della FIC.Durante i tre giorni ALLA WELCOME ITALIA FAIR.

Gli chef selezionati si sfideranno nella preparazione di piatti della tradizione Italiana, varianti di ricette classiche e Improvvisazioni con ingredienti a sorpresa.I giudici selezioneranno il vincitore seguendo delle linea guida decise dalla FIC UK. 


È l’evento che riunisce il meglio dell’enogastronomia Italiana a Londra.

Organizzato dalla Camera di Commercio e dell’Industria Italiana per il Regno Unito, ormai da 7 anni rappresenta un punto di riferimento per gli operatori e gli appassionati dei migliori prodotti del Belpaese.

L’elegante location, la cura dei dettagli, le masterclasses con i piu’ grandi chef italiani del Regno Unito e l’eccellenza dei prodotti hanno fatto di Welcome Italia uno tra i piu’ apprezzati ed amati eventi di Food&Beverage Italiano nel Regno Unito.

18-20 Ottobre 2019

Royal Horticultural Halls, Westminster

2.853 visitatori nel 2018 312 buyers

57 espositori


Welcome Italia e’ l’unico evento esclusivamente dedicato alle eccellenze enogastronomiche italiane a Londra;

Incrementare la brand awareness presso un pubblico di operatori ed appassionati di Food&Beverage Italiano e verso gli chef ed i ristoranti di Londra;

Beneficiare della campagna marketing sui social, sito internet, mailing di Welcome Italia e tramite i nostri partner.



La nostra idea e’ quella di organizzare un contest con una selezione di 8 chef affermati di Londra selezionati grazie alla collaborazione con la Sezione FIC (Federazione Italiana Cuochi) del Regno Unito, ogni chef dovra’ proporre una ricettache abbia come ingrediente fondamentale dovra’essere un prodotto tra quelli proposti dagli sponsor associati.

Gli chef si esibiranno in coppia, scegliendo una delle due ricette da loro proposte. Successivamente, al ter- mine dei 4 turni iniziali, verranno scelti dalla giuria i 2 finalisti, i quali dovranno inventare una ricetta con in- gredienti a sorpresa proposti dagli sponsor associati ed altri proposti dalla giuria, possibilmente selezionati fra i prodotti delle aziende presenti a Welcome Italia 2019 (previo consenso FIC e sponsor Associati)


ORE 12:00 — ROUND 1 

ORE 13:00 — ROUND 2

ORE 14:00 — ROUND 3 

ORE 15:00 — ROUND 4

ORE 17:00 — FINALE

Nel COOKERY THEATRE verranno allestite 2 postazioni per gli chef che si esibiranno di fronte della giuria tec- nica.

Unico requisito? essere membri FIC UK 

Per gli Chef interessati e per maggiori informazioni scrivere a info@ficuk.com



During WELCOME ITALIA 2019 (18-19-20 October 2019) THE ITALIAN FEDERATION CUOCHI UK DELEGATION will organize a competition for Chefs members of the FIC.

During the three days of the food fair, the selected chefs will compete on the preparation of traditional Italian dishes, variations of classic recipes and improvisations with surprise ingredients.
The judges will select the winner following the guideline decided by FIC UK.

Pre-registration is possible for the selection SUBSCRIBE HERE
Only requirement? Be members FIC UK


It is the event that brings together the best of Italian food and wine in London.
Organized by the Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the United Kingdom, for 7 years it has been a point of reference for operators and enthusiasts of the best products of the Belpaese.

The elegant location, the attention to detail, the masterclasses with the greatest Italian chefs in the United Kingdom and the excellence of the products have made Welcome Italia one of the most appreciated and appreciated events of Italian Food & Beverage in the United Kingdom.

18-20 October 2019

Royal Horticultural Halls, Westminster
2,853 visitors in 2018 312 buyers
57 exhibitors

Welcome Italia is the only event exclusively dedicated to Italian food and wine excellences in London;
Increase brand awareness among an audience of Italian Food & Beverage enthusiasts and operators and to London chefs and restaurants;
Benefit from the social media marketing campaign, website, Welcome Italia mailing and through our partners.

Our idea is to organize a contest with a selection of 8 established London chefs selected thanks to the collaboration with the FIC (Italian Chefs Federation) Section of the United Kingdom, each chef will have to propose a recipe that will have to be a fundamental ingredient a product among those proposed by the associated sponsors.

The chefs will perform in pairs, choosing one of the two recipes they offer. Subsequently, at the end of the 4 initial rounds, the 2 finalists will be chosen by the jury, who will have to invent a recipe with surprise ingredients proposed by the associated sponsors and others proposed by the jury, possibly selected from the products of the companies present at Welcome Italia 2019 (with the prior consent of FIC and associated sponsors)

12:00 HOURS – ROUND 1
1:00 pm – ROUND 2
14:00 – ROUND 3
15:00 – ROUND 4
17:00 – FINAL

In the COOKERY THEATER 2 stations will be set up for the chefs who will perform in front of the technical jury.

For more infoinfo@ficuk.com

Spaghetti Salmone affumicato Avocado E pomodorini con Vino bianco pecorino cipolla

CHEF: Michele Vassallo Todaro   www.donatellospizzeria.co.uk

Ingredients: Kamut Pasta Avocado Tomato 

Fine diced Garlic&onion in a table spoon of White wine.

Add smoked salmon trimmings, half cut cherry tomatoes, t for a few minutes toss in cooked pasta adding a table spoon of pasta water.

Add sliced avocado toss lightly season with Chilli flakes to your liking. Serve add a small amount of pecorino flaked cheese with basil leaf to garnish

Works well with Spaghetti or Penne

Competition FIC UK “FOOD and GOOD”


Progetto: Cibo e Salute

La Federazione Italiana Cuochi UK Delegation  (FIC UK) sta avviando una competizione, che vedra’ gli Chefs sfidarsi per aiutare le persone a cucinare pasti sani anche a casa.

Ogni mese la FIC UK chiederà a tutti i membri di creare una ricetta da ricreare a casa. Nella ricetta dovranno essere inclusi anche i nostri 3 ingredienti, diversi ogni mese.

Gli Chef sono invitati a creare e condividere le loro ricette, per insegnare al pubblico cosa comprare come cucinare con un buon ingrediente per seguire una vita sana a casa con un tocco professionale anche a casa.

Allo Chef che inviera’ la foto del piatto e la ricetta, e che rispetterà le linea guida dei giudici, verra’ assegnato un voucher di £50 dato in palio da CCS Continental Chef Suppliers e da spendere in Store (111 Baker Street, London,  W1U 6RR) oppure nel sito https://www.chefs.net


  • Ogni mese la FIC UK rivelerà 3 ingredienti, da utilizzare assieme ad altri a scelta dello Chef.
  • Scatta una foto del tuo piatto e inviala allo 07974364413 assieme al tuo nome e le istruzioni per ricreare il piatto. (puoi anche aggiungere ai tuoi social media, usando il tag @ficukdelegation e aggiungendo l’ashtag #FICUK2019 #foodandgood)
  • Tutti i piatti verranno pubblicati sui nostri social media, sul sito Web e sulla nostra mailing list e faranno parte del programma futuro di medicina culinaria, ma IL MIGLIORE verra’ assegnato il premio in Palio!
  • Criteri di Selezione: Presentazione piatto, Creatività, Ricetta salutare, Fantasia nel mischiare ingredienti.
  • I Giudici saranno supporter della FIC UK, come Ristoratori e Managers, e responsabili della CCS Continental Chef Suppliers

Gli ingredienti dal 20 Giugno al 19 Luglio sono:

  1. Zucchine
  2. Acciughe
  3. Patate


The project:  The Italian Federation of Chefs is starting a new project to help people to learn how to cook good healthy food at home.With a monthly challenge  we will ask to all FIC UK Members to create a recipe for people to recreate at home using 3 suggested ingredients.The aim of this project is to involve the Chefs to teach the general public how to cook  to follow an healthy life at home with a professional touch.


  1. Every month the FIC UK will reveal 3 ingredients, to use among of other of chef choices, to create your own recipe.
  2. Take a photo of your healthy dish and send to 07974364413 with your name and recipe instructions. (you can also add to your social media, using the Tag  @ficukdelegation and adding the ashtag #FICUK2019 #foodandgood)
  3. The best photos (or video under 60 sec) of the healthy recipes will be posted on our Social Media, Website and to our mailing list and it will part of future program of Culinary Medicine. THE BEST DISH will be awarded with a £50 VOUCHER to spend on store (111 Baker Street, London,  W1U 6RR.) or on the website at CCS Continental Chefs Supplier
  4. The Criteria for the selection are: Creativity, Presentation of the plate, Health of the recipe, and fantasy on the assemble of ingredients.
  5. The Judges will be Fic UK Supporters such as Restaurateur and Manager and Responsible of CCS Continental Chef Suppliers

The ingredients  from 20 June to 19 July are:

1) Courgette

2) Anchovies

3) Potato

Banquet for the Spirit: a Charity Dinner

 Charity Dinner

Ever wondered what London looks like to the eyes of a homeless man, or an older woman?

Join us for an evening of friendship, food and sharing with the Community of Sant’Egidio, hosted by Tasting Sicily – Enzo’s Kitchen restaurant. You’ll donate to an all-volunteers charity fighting loneliness that every week visits the homeless and every month prepares a dinner for older people. You’ll also have a chance to talk to many of its members, and discuss what it means to be in need in London.

An unmissable fundraising event where you will taste the finest Italian cuisine (straight from Sicily’s traditions) and participate to a raffle and an auction. All whilst donating to charity!

The Evening

£30 ticket covers food costs and includes:

  • A donation to the Community of Sant’Egidio
  • A served 3-course meal
  • Entry to a private auction
  • The opportunity to buy a raffle ticket for your chance to win great prizes
  • Wonderful music and a great mix of people coming together to help the poorest in London

…and much more!

The Charity

The Community of Sant’Egidio was born in Rome in 1968. It was created by a group of students who decided they wanted to donate some of their time to the most vulnerable, in a personal way. It is now a movement in more than 70 countries of the world.

In London, Sant’Egidio is a friend of the poor: every week its members gather together to make sandwiches which they then distribute in four different areas of London to people in need living in the streets. They have now met many homeless, who remind them of what counts in life, and how true friendship is a real treasure.

Sant’Egidio also organises a monthly event called “Our Cup of Tea” for older people and anyone who is lonely. It is completely free of charge for anyone coming, and is a three-course dinner full of entertainment, singing and sometimes even dancing. Most of all, it is an evening where a new family is created, where everyone feels at home, and where one hardly distinguishes who serves from who is being served.


WELCOME ITALIA Fair on the 5-7 October 2018

FIC UK invites you to WELCOME ITALIA Fair  on the 5-7 October 2018
5 October (Trade Only)
6 & 7 October  (Visitors)Venue:

The Royal Horticultural Halls Lindley Hall

80 Vincent Square



The Royal Horticultural Halls
is at 10 minutes walking from Victoria station and is simply reachable by the Victoria Line, the Circle line and the District Line.

There will be plenty of opportunities to meet producers and attend extraordinary cooking shows.


Welcome Italia is the event organised by the Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the UK dedicated to lovers of all things Italian and those who wish to discover and explore the best of Italian Food & Beverage. Indulge your senses in a unique experience made of Italian aromas and flavours, in a journey that brings together quality, passion and taste. You will have the chance to meet the producers of the best Italian food, drinks and ingredients, while the most famous Italian chefs in the United Kingdom will demonstrate their ability, recreating delicious recipes during their extraordinary cooking shows.



2018 Sommelier Graduation Ceremony

All the FIC Members are invited to the 
2018 Sommelier Graduation Ceremony  & Walkaround Tasting
Sunday 30 September 2018
from 12pm to 8pm

Hotel Meridien – Oak Room – 21 Piccadilly – W19 0BH

Wine Tasting and Cooking Show for a special day of  Italian Chefs and Wine!
Free entry

MagniFIC Chef – THE COMPETITION October 2018

The MagniFIC- Chef Challenge  has been organized for the first time by the Federazione Italiana Cuochi UK Delegation (FIC UK) for Alitalia.

Today, the FIC UK will create a new challenge dedicated to find the best Chef ready to cook with passion, creativity and technical skill, using specific Italian product from all over Italy.

Sponsors of the event will provide the best Italian products for the 5 days challenge, in the Best Restaurants in London, and  leaving the competing Chefs to use their best skills to create original and tasteful dishes.

Through individual challenges our Contestants will be judged by international experts from various hospitality fields.

At the end of the 5 days of competition, only 1 winner will be crowned and will be the Super MagniFIC- Chef.

If you are a Food Brand, a Chef of a Restaurant and you are interested to join the project please write to us:
