Culinary Medicine Project
Culinary Medicine is aimed at helping patients make the best personal medical decisions when finding and eating high-quality meals that helps prevent and treat disease and restore well-being.
The project will blend the art of food and cooking with the science of medicine.
It will be collaboration with an Italian Medical Clinic to create specific diets for different medical condition with top Chefs to combine the ingredients.
The object of Culinary Medicine is to empower patients to care for themselves safely and happily with food and beverage as a primary care technique under the Doctor’s guidance.
Each month we will focus on a different topic accompanied by events such as talks with medical professionals, and cooking shows to teach how to create the relationship between food, eating and cooking to encourage personal health and wellness.
The videos created will provide special attention to how food works within the body as well as the sociocultural and pleasurable aspects of eating and cooking.
There are in program courses and appointments on how to treat specific allergies or diseases in the kitchen.
Cooking recipes as prevention of illness with tips to help to live better life the disease at home.
For private courses
Courses Duranti events
About us
Since 1968 Federazione Italiana Cuochi (F.I.C) promotes the Italian cuisine and runs professional development activities for chef patron, restaurateurs, teachers, students and food investors.